Dealing With Ingrown Toenails? 4 Steps To Care For Your Feet

Posted on: 28 July 2017

Ingrown toenails are nothing to laugh at. They can cause excruciating pain, which can make it difficult to walk. Ingrown toenails occur when the corner of the nail grows into the side of the toe, causing the nail to become embedded in your flesh. Luckily, there are some steps you can take to alleviate the pain, and eliminate the problem. Here are four strategies for dealing with ingrown toenails.

Don't Trim Your Nails too Short

If you're like most people, you trim your toenails short, so that they don't grow back as fast. Unfortunately, that's one of the worst things you can do, especially if you wear closed-toed shoes a lot. The shorter your toenails are, the greater chance you have of developing an ingrown toenail. That's because when the nail is short, it will begin to spread towards the outer edges of the toe as it grows. When that happens, it's more likely that the nail will grow into the fleshy part of the toe, instead of up towards the top of the toe. To prevent ingrown toenails, never trim your nails below the top edge of our toes.

Soak Your Feet

If you begin to notice the tale-tell signs of an ingrown toenail – pain near the corners of your toe, redness or inflammation – you should soak your feet. Fill a basin with warm water and about ¼ cup of Epsom salts. Soak your affected foot for about about 15 minutes, to soften the toenail, and the skin around your toe. Remove your foot from the water and dry it off with a clean towel. Carefully pull the skin away from the ingrown toenail and place a small piece of cotton between the nail and the toe. The cotton will help the nail grow over the edge of the toe.

Prevent Infections

Without proper care, ingrown toenails can become infected. Once that happens, the infection can spread to the rest of the foot. One way to prevent infection is to keep your feet clean and dry. Wash your feet every day, and dry them thoroughly with a clean towel. Apply a thin layer of antibiotic ointment to your toes each morning and each night.

Have Your Feet Examined

If you continue to have problems ingrown toenails, or they become a recurring issue, you should have your feet examined by a podiatris, such as atAdvanced Foot Clinic. Your doctor may need to provide additional treatment, such as surgery, to prevent the condition from getting worse.


could your feet be causing your problems?

Before my last pregnancy I never had any problems with my feet. Since the last pregnancy, however, I have not been able to wear the type of shoes that I loved and I could not go out for long walks like I used to. After my primary doctor told me that he could not explain the discomfort, I decided to visit a podiatrist to get some help. It was not until my first appointment that I realized how many problems feet can cause. My website is filled with examples of foot problems and what pains you may be experiencing due to problems with your feet.